The Lich King is Dead, Long Live the Deathwing

Well, it finally happened. A couple of weeks out from the roll-out of Cataclysm Classic, the pre-patch (4.4.0) rolled out, and it’s official – no choice to the denizens of Azeroth Classic Wrath. You’re going to Cataclysm, like it or not. Same as they forced on us when they transitioned from Burning Crusade.

I am not a hater on those that prefer Cataclysm to older content. I mean, it has its perks. You can fly in Azeroth, and quest hubs are a thing. And don’t get me started on vials and vellums. Though, hey, Void Bank won’t be a thing – they just jumped past that directly to transmog, which was a 4.3.0 thing in the past, but here and now it’s the thing.

But, the whole reason for playing Classic is gone. The Old World that existed is gone. So much of the charm, the mystery, the danger of the older Azeroth is gone.

Well, not exactly.

In this the Modern WoW Age, nothing is ever truly gone. It might be ephemeral (hello, WotLK) but if you time it right, you might be able to relive the past.

Classic Classic is still around. I forget what they call it – Classic Era or something? What the hell does that mean? Ask someone smarter than me. But if you wanna top out at level 60 and grind that shit, it’s there for you.

Then there’s Classic Hardcore. Well, this one is exactly what you expect, with permadeath and all that jive. Respect. It also tops out at 60.

Classic Age of Discovery appears to be Mutant Classic and, while a neat experiment, is probably not All That. I don’t think it’s going away, but, truly, I think they could have spent those resources elsewhere. It tops out at 40? I don’t understand exactly.

Classic Hardcore Self Found Mode earns the title of longest title for a version of WoW. What does it mean? Well, I looked it up and it means that you don’t get to use the AH to augument your toon, basically. That’s pretty hardcore, mon. Also, respect. Also tops out at 60.

So, as you see, there are plenty of options for people that want to relive the past, or a hardcore version of it. Still no options for WotLK, but, hay, maybe that’s for the best.

Let me essplain.

After Grimmtooth (aka Grimmtuuth since some squatter stole my moniker) hit max in Wrath, I actually hated it.

Before Cata pre-patch hit, he was questing in Storm Peaks because Icecrown was absolutely the worst (Funny how nostalgia colors those things).

Back then, we were farming max-level stuff so it kinda felt okay. But with an impending Cata coming, it seemed pretty futile, knowing what we know about this cycle of borrowed powers and stuff from the past.

I mean, aside from gear, it was all gonna go pouf. And the gear would be replaced with Cata greens in very short order.

So what is our verdict here? Well, I personally don’t approve of the forced migration to Cata. I mean, you wanna Cata, you go Cata. But those of us fixated on Wrath as the pinnicle of WoW are pretty put out.

But maybe I’ll roll up something in Hardcore. I have friends over there. But, given my luck, they’ll abandon it just as I get over there. That would surprise me not at all. I mean, have you noticed something about my luck? Yeah.

But, what if?

Hunter or Warlock? Tough call. Probably Warlock. Just because it goes against type. I do love Hunter, but if Classic has taught me one thing, it’s that nostalgia is a harsh mistress.

Posted on May 1, 2024, in Broken promises and shattered dreams, Classic, I don't wanna get off on a rant here but, Meta. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. I think Season of Discovery is in Phase 3 now, which means the level cap is not L50. The raid this time is Sunken Temple, and Blizz already had to nerf it as there were no raids who’d cleared it after the first week or so. Apparently the health on the bosses was waaay too high (as in “so we doubled it!” Diablo 3 sort of high), and so they were nerfed a bit to bring them back in line with expectations.

    I have since discovered that as the Eastern NA Cluster of Classic Era servers is where most of the activity is, you can migrate toons from Western NA cluster for free to an Eastern NA server. That assumes you kept some toons (or paid for it) in Classic Era, as I did, before that option went away. (The cost was down to $5 per toon at the end, which I took advantage of to move bank toons over.)

    It feels kind of weird that it’s no longer WoW Classic, but WoW Early Modern these days. The Old World is now the same Old World as found in Retail, so I’ve really no idea why Blizz thinks this is a good idea. Unless they want to ride the Classic train up to Legion or something.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’m pretty sure “up to Legion” is probably the goal here since they blew right past “the last great expansion” so they have to keep on going to get to “the last good expansion”. Oopsie.

      Then they start the churn again? Looking forward to Classic WotLK Classic Classic.


  2. Cataclysm is the reason I went back to Classic [Era]. I genuinely thought they’d stop moving Classic forward after Wrath because everything after Wrath YOU CAN PLAY RIGHT NOW!


    I feel so fragmented, just like the player base I guess.


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